For students

Department of power supply

  • 1 November 2017, 11:35
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2673

The Department of Power Supply is one of the oldest in the University. It was organized when the Kirov Polytechnic Institute was founded (March 12, 1963).

The main scientific directions of the department are the research of the problems of the quality of power energy, the compensation of reactive power, the use of electric cleaning devices, the development of energy accounting devices, energy audits of various enterprises.


Practical implementation:

+ Study of the problems of power quality in electric networks of power systems and enterprises

+ Reactive power compensation in power systems of enterprises

The research work involved students, and the most talented of them continued their training in a magistracy and postgraduate study.

Students of the specialty 13.03.02 "Electric power engineering and electrical engineering" are trained in 3 profiles of bachelor's training:

- Power supply

- Electrical equipment and electrical facilities of enterprises, organizations and institutions

- Management in power engineering and electrical engineering

Term of training - 4 years.


In addition, there are:

- correspondence course (5 years);

- Absentia-accelerated learning (3 years 4 months).

For students who want to continue their education there are magistracy on the specialty "Electric power engineering and electrical engineering". The profile is "Power supply and management systems". Term of training - 3 years.

Post-graduate course in the field of Electro-heat engineering (4 years), training program

"Power supply and management systems"

Over the years, the staff of the department has trained more than 5000 engineers and specialists, among which there are many outstanding graduates.

Graduates of the power supply department are always in demand at any industrial enterprises in the department of the chief power engineer;

in network organizations; at power stations; in the services of energy sales organizations; in project organizations.