For students

Department of technology and design

  • 28 November 2017, 12:47
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2627

The Department of technology and design is a graduate department. It was established in 2014 on the base of the Department of “Technology of artistic processing of materials”.

Currently, the department trains bachelors in the following areas of training:

• "Technology of artistic processing of materials" ("THOM"), profile "Technology of artistic processing of materials";

• "Design", profile "Graphic Design";

• «Technology of printing and packaging production», profile «Technology of printing and packaging production».


Also graduate students in the direction "Art criticism" (profile "Technical aesthetics and design") trains at the Department.


In 2016, the master's program in directions "Technology of artistic processing of materials" (with a similar profile) and "Design" (profile "Graphic Design") was opened.


The main direction of training at the Department remains "Technology of artistic processing of materials" which was opened in the University in 1997 by the department "Metal-cutting machines and tools".


The best students are awarded the scholarship of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, enter postgraduate study and defended their candidate dissertations.


Since 2002, 310 specialists in the area of studying "Technology of artistic processing of materials" and 7 in the “Design” area have graduated and received diplomas.

All graduates of the department are in demand and work in various areas of professional activity.


Highly qualified teaching staff of the department provide the high level of creative and technical training of graduates.

Doctor of Arts, member of the International Association of Art Critics and Critics; Honored Artist of Russia; three members of the Union of Artists of Russia; two candidates of pedagogical sciences; Candidate of Technical Sciences are the part of the Department’s staff.

The main directions of research work:

1. Monumental church painting of Vyatka. Materials to the monument of monumental art and architecture of Vyatka (regional project within the All-Russia) – headed by N.V. Krivosheina.

2. Development and research of manufacturing technologies for thin-walled products of complex design using methods of plastic shaping – headed by M.I. Zemtsov

3. Development and research of technologies for the manufacture of art glass products – headed by V.V. Sadakova


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