For students

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

  • 1 August 2017, 10:29
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2715

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering is the largest Faculty at Vyatka State University. Over 1,200 students study in 6 main specialties, and up to 20% of them study by contracts with regional enterprises. There are 84 lecturers there and 70% of them have academic degrees, including 8 Professors and 49 Associate Professors. Most of the teachers have graduated this Faculty.




Bachelor’s degree:

Power systems engineering and electrical engineering

Profiles available:

- Power supply

- Electrical equipment of enterprises, organizations and institutions

- Management in power systems and electrical engineering

- Relay protection and automation of electric power systems

- Electric stations

- Electric power systems and networks

- Electromechanics

- Electrics for cars and tractors


Heat-and-power engineering and thermal engineering

Profile available:

- Industrial heat-and-power engineering



Master's degree:

Power systems engineering and electrical engineering

 - Electricity supply and management systems


Heat-and-power engineering and thermal engineering

- Production technology of heat and electric energy in power plants


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