For students

Faculty of Technology, Engineering and Design

  • 1 August 2017, 09:22
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2654

The Faculty of Technology, Engineering and Design includes 7 Departments and over a dozen Research and Production Laboratories. Over 800 students study at the Faculty (there are totally 18 bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s and postgraduate’s study programs).

Faculty History

The Faculty of Automation of Mechanical Engineering had been existed since 1963, from the foundation of Kirov Polytechnic Institute with Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering Faculties. The Faculty had trained engineers in "Mechanical engineering technology, metal-cutting machines and tools" and "Industrial and civil engineering".

Since the late 90's the Faculty has actively developed in both designing and engineering directions, and in 2002 it was renamed into the Faculty of Technology and Design.


Study programs

Specialist Degree

15.05.01 Designing of technological machines and complexes

Designing of machining and tooling complexes in mechanical engineering


Bachelor’s Degree

15.03.01 Mechanical engineering

Technologies, equipment and automation of machine-building production

15.03.02Technological machines and equipment 

Machines and mechanisms of woodworking industry

15.03.05 Design and technological support of machine-building productions

Technology of mechanical engineering

22.03.01 Materials Science and Technology

Materials Science and Technology of Metals

22.03.02 Metallurgical engineering

Metal forming

23.03.03 Operation of transport-technological machines and complexes

Auto servicebusiness

27.03.02Quality management

Quality management in production and technical systems

29.03.03 Technology of polygraph and packaging production

Technology and design of printing production

35.03.02Technology of logging and wood processing industries

Design and technology of furniture and house-building

29.03.04 Technology of decorative processing of materials

Technology of decorative processing of materials

29.03.05 Design of light industry products

Design of apparel

29.03.01 Technology of light industry products

Technology of apparel

44.03.05 Pedagogical Education (with two profiles)

Fine arts, additional education

Technology, additional education

54.03.01 Design

Graphic design

Environmental design


Master’s Degree

15.04.01 Mechanical engineering

Laser technologies in mechanical engineering

Technologies, equipment and automation of machine-building production

15.04.05 Design and technological support of machine-building productions

Technology of mechanical engineering


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