For students

Department of biology and methods of teaching biology

  • 11 January 2017, 13:07
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3129

Department history

Biological disciplines have been taught at Vyatka Teachers' Institute since its foundation in 1914.

1919 - Departments of zoology and botany were founded.

1921 – Four-year studying in Biology, Geography and Natural-Agronomic directions was launched.

1951 - Natural-Geographical Faculty was founded.

1954 - Department of anatomy and physiology of humans and animals was organized based on the physiological laboratory.

1963 - Natural-Geographical Faculty started preparing teachers in "Biology and Chemistry" and "Geography and Biology" within 5-year studying period.

1976 - Department of general biology and teaching methods was created.

2007 - Transition to two-tier education in line with Bologna Process model: bachelor’s degree – master’s degree.

2008 – All biological departments combined into one Department of Biology.

2011 - Training in classical "Biology" direction started.

2014 - Natural-Geographic and Chemical Faculties combined into the Institute of Natural Sciences.

Since 2016 the Department has become a part of the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology.

The Department employed and was headed by Professor P.T.Reshetnikov, Associate Professors E.I.Burova, F.A.Aleksandrov, L.V.Gavrilova, V.P.Klirosova, I.A.Shabalina, E.S.Zlobina, T.S.Noskova, L.A.Zubareva, K.A.Nekrasova, N.P.Savinykh. Since 2015 the Department has been headed by Candidate of Biological Sciences Associate Professor O.N.Perestoronina.

Scientific researches of the Department are related to nature and economy of Kirov region, in particular, to a specially protected natural territory "Medvedsky Bor", as well as cultivation of zoned and perspective to the zoning varieties of vegetables, fruits and berries.

Department’s physiologists together with medical specialists of the city study the physiology of the autonomic nervous system, regulation of contractile activity of human and animal uterus, biological, psychological and pedagogical problems of preterm birth and its consequences. In close cooperation with Kirov school teachers the Department study physiology of education.

The Department offers postgraduate studies in botany, physiology and genetics.

Two research laboratories operate at the Department:

1.        "Biomorphology of plants" – headed be Natalia P. Savinykh, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences;

2.        "The Physiology of muscles and biologically active substances" – headed by Viktor I. Tsirkin, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences.


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