For students

Department of biotechnology

  • 12 January 2017, 03:22
  • Author: admin
  • Views 10828

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology in VyatSU

The University has created one of the largest scientific-educational biotechnological bases among the Russian universities; it is provided by its own Supercomputer Сenter and modern analytical laboratories. This is the foundation for high level research and training of professionals able to work in modern production facilities.

Laboratories and research centers of VyatSU:

- Laboratories of the Department of Biotechnology,

- Laboratories of the Department of Microbiology,

- Research Laboratory "Biologically Active Compounds and Biopolymers",

- Research Laboratory "Physiology of Microorganisms" of the Institute of Physiology (Komi Science Centre),

- Research Laboratory "Molecular Biology and Diagnostics"

- Scientific and educational center for nanotechnology,

- Scientific and educational center for bioengineering,

- Scientific and educational center for supercomputing technologies and systems.


Scientific research of the Department of Biotechnology in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology area

Biotechnology is characterized by active research. At the moment there are about twenty research projects, supported by grants from various sources or executed the real economy orders.

1) Genetic and protein engineering, cellular technology

  • Genetic and protein engineering, cell technologies
  • Development of protein medicinal substances and antigens for diagnostics in bacterial and yeast expression systems;
  • Development of new drugs of peptide nature;
  • Development of test systems;
  • Development of technologies for obtaining monoclonal antibodies;
  • Research of physicochemical and immunochemical bases of interaction between enterobacteria and eukaryocytes.

2) Functional Materials and Nanobiotechnology

  • Development of complexes based on physiologically active pectins and peptides, including nanostructured ones, and study of their immunomodulatory properties;
  • Development of nanostructured materials of directional action and technologies for their production.


Educational activity

The presence of a developed system of knowledge generation allows for high-level training of personnel for modern biopharmaceutical industries. The main principles of the University in training personnel for biotechnology are interdisciplinarity, scientific capacity, high technological ability and continuity.

Using the terminology of the Atlas of New Professions, developed by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives jointly with the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, we can say that the university has already begun training personnel in the "professions of the future", in particular, having identified the strategic profession "Biopharmacologist" as the main vector for the development of the system of biotechnological education.

The structure of educational programs in the field of pharmaceutical biotechnology is:


1) Pre-University Training Programs


2) Basic education programs in the following directions:

• Bachelor’s degree:

19.03.01 Biotechnology (profile "Pharmaceutical Biotechnology")

• Master’s degree:

19.04.01 Biotechnology (Programs "Pharmaceutical Biotechnology", "Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology")


3) post-graduate programs:

• 19.06.01 "Biotechnology"


4) additional professional education programs:

• advanced training program "Production of blood products" (293 hours);

• professional retraining program "Development of immunobiological products and technologies for their production" (600 hours).


Biotechnology is a worldwide rapidly growing research trend. Based on knowledge in the fields of microbiology, biochemistry, genetics, genetic engineering, immunology, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering it uses biological objects (microorganisms, animal and plants cells) or molecules (proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, etc.) for industrial production of products and goods for people.


Biotechnologistis a qualified specialist. Today Biotechnology is one of the most demanded specialists not only in Russia but also abroad. It is hard to imagine a modern industry and any area of human activity without using biotechnology achievements.


Biotechnology specialists (after graduating from the University) can work in the following areas:

- Enterprises of biotechnological, chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries (e.g. engineer, researcher);

- In biological, chemical, environmental, and other laboratories (e.g. engineer, researcher);

- In scientific and research institutions, design institutes of bioindustry (e.g. engineer, researcher);

- In higher education institutions (e.g. teacher).


Employment of specialists

One of the main advantages of selecting "Biotechnology" is guaranteed job opportunities.


Head of Department of Biotechnology:

Ekaterina Martinson

Candidate of Engineering Sciences



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Head of the Department

Martinson Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

8 (8332) 742-430