For students

A seminar on students’ academic mobility

  • 9 November 2018, 09:02
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4103

A seminar on students’ academic mobility within multicultural education will take place at VyatSU Department of Foreign Languages of Non-linguistic Directions. It will touches upon international exchange programs.

The representatives of Germany (Frank Heberlein) and Indonesia (Julia Dyach) will make presentations on international exchange and cooperation programs at the seminar.

Fulbright Expert Olga Yurlova will tell about educational grants offered by the US Embassy.

The program of the seminar includes live music performance and communication with native speakers and teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages of Non-linguistic Directions.

The seminar is planned to be held on November 14 at 17:30.

Address: Academic building № 14, office 334, 111, Lenin Street, Kirov

Everybody is welcome!

All the university guests are recommended to be registered via email:

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