For students

Christmas fairy tale" is inviting!

  • 19 November 2019, 14:29
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4754
The results of the regional translation competition, addressed to students and schoolchildren, will be announced at the end of December.

The Department of Linguistics and Translation of the Vyatka State University invites students and schoolchildren of the city of Kirov and the Kirov region to take part in the regional translation competition "Christmas fairy tale", which will be held from November 14 to December 25.

Sections and nominations of the competition

The competition is held in the nomination "Translation of literary text from a foreign language into Russian". Working languages: Russian, English, German, Spanish (Appendices 1, 2, 3).

According to the results of the competition, the first, second and third places in each nomination and in each language are established. For students of 10-11 grades, the presence of a winner’s diploma in the regional translation competition “Christmas fairy tale 2019” gives 8 points, the presence of a prize-winner’s diploma - 6 points, a certificate of participation - 1 point. Points will be accrued without limitation of profile upon admission to any bachelor's or specialist's program.

Works are accepted until December 13, 2019 in electronic form by e-mail

The competition results announcement and awarding winners will take place at the event dedicated to the celebration of Christmas (December 25, 2019) in the office № 207 of the educational building № 15 at the address: 198 Lenin st., at 13.30.

The results of the competition, the names of the winners will be published on the university's website.

The contest organizers reserve the right to publish and otherwise use the work, if the name of the author of the work is mandatory. The organizers understand participation in the competition as the consent of the participants to this condition.

Read in Russian
