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Professor Igor Trubin told about prospects of specialists in the field of Information Security. Some events according this theme were held in the North Caucasus Federal University (Stavropol)

  • 17 October 2019, 22:42
  • Author: admin
  • Views 5545

Professor Igor Trubin told about prospects of specialists in the field of Information Security. Some events according this theme were held in the North Caucasus Federal University (Stavropol)

In early October, Igor Trubin, professor of the Department of Radioelectronic Facilities of Vyatka State University, took part in the XXIII Plenum of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association in the higher education system in an enlarged group of specialties and areas of training 10.00.00 “Information Security” (FEMA HE IS) and the All-Russian Scientific Conference “Fundamental problems of information security in the context of digital transformation” (INFOSECURITY - 2019), held at the North Caucasus Federal University (Stavropol).

Igor Sergeyevich told about the main thematic areas of the Plenum. These are the tasks of realization the Federal project "Informational security", approved by the Protocol (27 December 2018 No. 6) by Presidium of the Government Commission on digital development, using information technology to improve quality of life and living conditions entrepreneurial activity.

In addition, there was a question of designing approximate basic educational programs for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (3 ++) with indicators of achievement of competencies in areas and specialties (profiles and specializations), additional and secondary vocational education in areas of information security.

The participants of the plenary session exchanged experiences on the formation of basic educational programs, taking into account professional standards and the demands of employers.

It was especially highlighted  the results of a large-scale study of the need for information security specialists at different levels of training,

In the medium term (2020-2023), the annual need for such specialists is estimated at 27 thousand people. 20500-18600 are specialists with various levels of higher education. More than 500 graduate students are needed annually (developers, chief designers, scientific consultants, analysts, specialists of the 8th level of qualification are needed). It is necessary to prepare about 4000 people a year. The remaining about 3,500 people a year need professional retraining.


The Department of Electronic Equipment makes a feasible contribution to providing enterprises and organizations with specialists in the field of information security by implementing the following educational programs of higher education:

- training of bachelors in the direction of 10.03.01 Information Security, profile Comprehensive Protection of Informatization Facilities;

- training of specialists in the direction of 05.10.02 Information Security of Telecommunication Systems, specialization of Systems of Mobile Digital Secure Communication.

FEMA HE IS constantly pays particular attention to improving the scientific and professional competencies of the teaching staff. To attract youth, it is planned to introduce, starting in 2020, a number of measures to stimulate scientific schools for the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school in the field of information security. Such measures include:


- formation of dissertation councils (at least one in the federal district);

- an increase of enrollees in the direction of training highly qualified personnel 10.06.01 "Information Security" twice;

- adjustment of the passport of the scientific specialty 05.13.19 “Methods and systems of information protection, information security”;

- organization and implementation of grant support for graduate students, applicants and young scientists (up to 1 million rubles for the preparation and defense of a dissertation and up to 2 million rubles for a doctoral);

- to bring the number of defendants in the scientific specialty 05.13.19 by 2025 at least 100 people.

 Participation in events held by FEMA HE IS allows you to keep abreast of all the events that are related to education in the field of information security.

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