For students

Trailerbooks, lapbooks, mnemonic tables, intelligence cards ...

  • 10 February 2020, 01:20
  • Author: admin
  • Views 6573

All this was presented at the exhibition of freshmen' creative works at the Pedagogical Institute of Vyatka State University

On January 20, the exhibition of creative works of first-year students in the field of “Psychological and Pedagogical Education” carried out as part of the study of the discipline “Literary education of preschool children” was held at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of VyatSU (teacher - the associate professor of the Department of pedagogy and methods of preschool and primary education Tatyana Malova).

The results of independent work of students in the first academic semester were presented. Visitors to the exhibition got acquainted with booktrailers, lapbooks, intelligence cards for works of art, mnemo tables for memorizing verses, reference pictures for retelling, and other original developments.

The most popular were thematic lapbooks based on fairy tales and the work of children's writers. Students enjoyed demonstrating to the visitors the possibilities of these manuals: didactic games and exercises, coloring books, baby books, labyrinths, puzzles, mnemonic tracks, and much more. Each lapbook was accompanied by guidelines for its use.

Of considerable interest were colorful and informative intelligence cards for preschoolers based on fairy tales by various authors. For some guests, book trailers were a discovery - short videos designed to draw the attention of preschool children to the book.

The exhibition was visited not only by teachers, but also by students of other courses. They asked a lot of questions and also left positive feedback and recommendations.



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