For students

VyatSU students took part in alpinists events in the Central Caucasus

  • 8 September 2017, 17:58
  • Author: admin
  • Views 7636

In August 2017 VyatSU Tour Club organized mountaineering meetings for students in the Central Caucasus, in Bezengi camp.

In the area of ​​Bezengi there are six peaks (except Elbrus and Kazbek) above five thousand meters high. Russian mountaineers call this region "Small Himalayas" for its peaks and eternal glaciers, stretching among the large mountain valleys.

VyatSU mountaineering camps were held as a part of an event "Vertical Limit" of Student Association Development Program - 2017 with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

During the event students underwent intensive training, the program of which included both practical and theoretical studies. During the classes students practiced movement on rocks and ice and other mountainous surface, first medical help, studying the features and dangers of mountain nature, basic rules for ensuring security in the mountains, basics of orienting in the mountains and much more.

After courses the students of Vyatka State University ascended to the peaks over 4000 meters. In total eight ascents were done by the routes from 1B to 3B complexity level.

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