For students

VyatSU to start a unique development program "LEKOTEKA"

  • 14 September 2017, 18:45
  • Author: admin
  • Views 5405

An additional general educational program "LEKOTEKA" will start on October 1, 2017 at VyatSU Pedagogical Institute.

"Leko" in Swedish means a game, a toy, and "teka" – a place for storage. Therefore a lekoteka is a place, a room where one can play and communicate with specialists.

Vyatka State University employees have developed some specialized programs for children and parents.

For children from 3 to 10 years:

- art therapy (comprehensive development of the child’s personality through various types of creative activity),

- play therapy (activation and correction of individual spheres of a child's personality through organized games),

- logopedic assistance (correction of speech),

- physical and motor development of children (physical health strengthening through motions).

For parents:

- age-related psychological development of children (basic ideas regarding psyche development at different age stages, age crises characteristics, selection of adequate upbringing means, correction of negative personality features of character and preventive means for deviant behavior),

- child - parent relations (analysis of a parental position, style of upbringing, emotional connections, effective interaction with one's own child),

- harmonization of family relations (comprehensive diagnosis and optimization of relationships within a family as a whole: marriage relations, intergenerational connections, relations between siblings),

- family health (preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health through physical training and basic ideas of a healthy lifestyle).


The lessons are conducted by VyatSU scientists, who have got an extensive experience in research and practical work and have undergone additional professional training.

All classes use original authors’ practice-oriented innovative forms and technologies of work.

For children:

- Theater studio (puppet shows, script writing and staging own performances),

- Sensory room (relaxing through immersion in some unusual reality),

- Studio "Magicians" (handmade of different materials),

- Studio "Unusual artists" (non-traditional painting technologies),

- Visiting a Fairy Tale (correction of behavior through playing fairy tales),

- Studio "Magic box" (intellectual development while working with a didactic box),

- Studio "Robopolis" (robots design and control),

- Studio "Inquisitive minds" (exploring the surrounding world using digital design studio equipment and cognitive experiments),

- Kinesiotherapy (exercises to prevent disorders of a musculoskeletal system),

and much more.

For parents:

- Methods of intellectual development of children (development of broad-mindedness, cognitive functions, and creative abilities)

- Positive dialogue technologies (ability to negotiate and cooperate),

- Proper nutrition (calculation of a personal diet and nutrition balance),

- Health saving in a family (basic ideas of a healthy lifestyle),

- Self-massage,

- Family workouts

and much more.

VyatSU gives everyone an opportunity of getting competent and qualified help with the use of innovative technologies. Any Kirov/ region citizen can apply for a consultation. VyatSU also accepts collective applications from educational institutions.
