For students

Young Scientists’ Debate took place at VyatSU within the Days of Science Festival

  • 12 February 2017, 11:07
  • Author: admin
  • Views 9686

On February 11th the tournament of Young Scientists’ Debate in a format of the British parliamentary debate took place.

VyatSU Debate Club and Kirov League of Debate run by Kirov regional public organization "Vyatka Foundation for Cooperation and Development" had been preparing their teams for the participation during the last month: they taught the basic format, provided trainings and information on the topics of the tournament. As a result the event was attended by about 200 participants from different secondary schools and educational institutions of our city.

A special feature of this tournament was a possibility for each team to choose whether to take part in all tournament games and therefore compete for the cup and medals, or try themselves only in some particular topics, more understandable for them.

The following topics have been proposed for the qualifying rounds of the tournament: "This Chamber supports Mars colonization", "This Chamber supports the genetic engineering development", "This Chamber bans medicines’ advertising".

The most active participants of the tournament are the following:

MFLA College students (having become the tournament laureate), Kirov Aviation Technical College, Kirov Art College, VyatSU, VSAA and MSLA, students of Vyatka Humanitarian Gymnasium (having become a tournament laureate), Kirov Economic and Legal Lyceum, Vyatka Orthodox Gymnasium (having become the winner of the qualifying rounds), Vyatka Technical Lyceum (having become the laureate and winner of the tournament), the Linguistic Gymnasium (having become the winner of the tournament), School # 20 (the laureate of the tournament) and School # 37 of Kirov. Those teams achieved the best results in the qualifying rounds of the tournament.

In the final tournament on the topic "This Chamber transfers to non-cash payments only” the team of Vyatka Technical Lyceum (Anna Prosvirina and Alexander Bakharevsky) took the first place.


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