For students

Your safety is our concern - VyatSU organizes a unique action for every resident of the city

  • 23 October 2020, 08:28
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3469

On October 26, 27 and 28, at Teatralnaya Square, as part of the "Get Brighter" campaign, we will apply MOON reflective spray to your clothes - a guarantor of your safety in the dark

In VyatSU they know firsthand how worrysome it is to wait for your children in the winter after the second shift at school, or to walk with pets in the park on a dark evening. The "Get Brighter" promotion is just to make everyone more noticeable without additional equipment.

Therefore, on October 26, 27, 28 from 18 to 20 we are waiting for everyone who is on the way with personal safety! Reflective spray can be applied to satchels, bags and clothes (the product is safe for all types of fabrics and is washed off at the first wash). For young residents of Kirov, children's stencils are already ready so that the applied spray is displayed as a drawing.

Moonspray is a product developed by young university scientists that imparts reflective properties to objects that are sprayed. The spray makes objects visible in the dark under car headlights. It is ideal for getting around in poor visibility conditions, for evening walks or sports.

We will help you to become brighter, cooler and safer at the main building of VyatSU (Kirov, Moskovskaya St., 36). And remember, darkness is the friend of youth - not on the roads ...


Translated by Artemy Sizov

Read in Russian
