For students

Students-archeologists of Vyatka State University returned from excavations in Belarus

  • 20 August 2018, 11:12
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4159

As part of the internship at the Belarusian State University, students and staff of the Faculty of history, political science and cultural studies participated in excavations of Counts Sologubov's glass-making manufactory (18th century).

As part of the internship at the Belarusian State University, students and staff of the Faculty of history, political science and cultural studies participated in excavations of Counts Sologubov's glass-making manufactory (18th century).

This unique complex is located in the agro-town of Ilya, Vileyka district of the Minsk region. For the first time on the territory of Belarus, the design of a smelting furnace, laid out of clay, bricks and stones, was revealed and recorded, unique data on the technology for the production of glassmaking of that time were obtained. Were determinded features of household culture of glassmakers.
Archaeologists of BSU and VyatSU managed to establish that in the XVIII century in Ilya packing, table and chemist's utensils, as well as sheet window glass had been producing. The products were of different shades of green, pink, blue and dark blue. Also crystal dishes had been manufacturing here. Some of the items were decorated. A whole series of waste from forming of vessels and a large number of fragments of finished products were also found.

Unique are the findings of glass blower tools, including a blowing tube with the remains of green glass at the end, a knife, a measuring weigher, with which you can measure the amount of substances added to the raw materials in the production of glass.

 Guta (manufactory) in Ilya existed until the beginning of the XIX century and later was moved to the modern village of Novaya Guta. The date of the monument is confirmed by the coins of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of the second half of the 17th - the middle of the 18th century discovered here. 

Scientists of the scientific research archaeological laboratories VyatSU took samples of the tree species to determine its rock and samples of remnants of glass-making production to study the composition of glass by atomic absorption analysis and determining the level of technical equipment of the guta masters.


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