For students

Students from Russia and China became participants of the creative seminar "Dialogue of Cultures"

  • 20 March 2019, 08:19
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4469

Their experience will be used during teaching practice

In the framework of the joint with the Kirov Regional Museum of Local Lore, project “Living Memory Will Save the Word", a creative seminar “Dialogue of Cultures” was held at the Faculty of Philology and Media Communications of VyatSU. The participants of which were Russian and Chinese students.

A rich program of the event was opened by a visit to the exhibition “And Every Tale is a Ural Gem”, organized for the anniversary of Pavel Bazhov in the house-museum of M.Ye. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Then, young philologists introduced fellow students from China to the cultural traditions of the Vyatka region, in particular, folk tales collected by the writer Leonid Dyakonov. The students of the group FLB 3201-51-00 Anna Faleeva and Daria Zemtsova prepared bright and informative presentations. In turn, the Chinese students not only told the legends of their native land, but also gave examples of the thousand-year-old wisdom of their people, imprinted in proverbs and sayings.

The cultural dialogue ended with an intellectual contest to solve national mysteries, in which, as expected, friendship won. It is important to note that students will soon be able to implement the knowledge and experience gained during the period of pedagogical practice at extracurricular activities.

The moderators of the creative seminar were Ksenia Litsareva, the Head of the Faculty of Philology and Media Communications, and Olga Polyakova, the Associate Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature and Teaching Methods.


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