For students

Students-geographers of VyatSU adequately represented the university at the All-Russian Student Olympiad in Gorno-Altaisk

  • 17 June 2019, 07:05
  • Author: admin
  • Views 5143

Roman Platunov, the second year student of VyatSU became the prize-winner in the individual championship

On May 27 - 30, the All-Russian Student Olympiad in Geography and Nature Management (Stage III) was held at Gorno-Altai State University. Teams from Barnaul, Nizhny Novgorod, Izhevsk, Yakutsk, Kaliningrad and other cities of Russia participated in it.

Ilya Sannikov, Ravil Zhirnov, Roman Platunov, Alexander Krysov, Uliana Starodumova - students of 1-3 courses of the direction of training “Geography” of the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology, represented Vyatka State University.

Future geographers from the Flagship University of the Kirov region performed successfully, and the second year student Roman Platunov took 3rd place in the individual championship.

In the competition of youth projects "Modern problems of geography and environmental management," students presented a report on the problem of mining and using the rare mineral volkonskoite. According to the results of this competition, the team was awarded diplomas for research in the field of practical geography.

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