For students

Students of VyatSU - participants of the “Generation” camp

  • 5 November 2019, 10:00
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4111

The All-Russian patriotic interethnic camp recently completed work in the Moscow region

From October 16 to 21, the III All-Russian patriotic interethnic camp “Generation” was held in the Moscow region on the territory of the Litvinovo recreation complex (Naro-Fominsky district). 170 participants from the Moscow, Kaliningrad, Arkhangelsk, Bryansk, Irkutsk, Kemerovo regions, republics of Dagestan, Karelia and Crimea were united there. Five people, four of whom were students of Vyatka State University, represented the Kirov region. These are Alexander Antyufeev (Law Institute), Roman Panagushin (Faculty of History, Political Sciences and Cultural Studies of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences), Anastasia Alexandrova (Faculty of Philology and Media Communications of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences), Olesya Filimonova (Faculty of Management and Service of the Institute of Economics and Management).

The main purpose of the five-day activity was the creation of social videos under the guidance of famous actors, directors and producers.

Alexander Antyufeev told:

In the process of achieving the goal, we gained new knowledge at various trainings and master classes, became real directors and actors, were able to ask questions of interest to us, find new friends. I was lucky enough to get into a team of charged and purposeful people with whom I generated ideas and implemented them. Olga Aleksandrovna Karelina, journalist, screenwriter, producer, acted as a mentor of our Mercury team. She shared her experience with us, spoke about subtleties of journalistic activities, as well as everyday difficulties.

Among speakers of the “Generation” were the Director of the Information and Press Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova; Olympic champion, honored master of sports in basketball, sports journalist Sergei Tarakanov; actor, producer and musician Anatoly Burnosov; director and the Head of the media holding “Culture of Nations” Marina Zabelina; Channel One host Julia Zimina; cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev; psychologist and author of trainings “Fight the Fear” and “Believe in Yourself” Emma Rozhdestvenskaya, other famous people.

Returning from the “Generation”, the students shared:

Events will forever remain in our memory! The opportunity to visit the camp is priceless. Let those who read this do not miss their chance and act!

Read in Russian