For students

We express our gratitude to the volunteers and students of Vyatka State University

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  • Author: admin
  • Views 5036
  • Сomments 4
132 volunteers took part in organizing and holding the Science Festival at Vyatka State University

The administration of the Vyatka State University expresses its gratitude to the volunteers and students of the departments of the university for their help in organizing and holding events of the official regional site of the II All-Russian Science Festival at Vyatka State University.

Volunteers became one of the main highlights and features of the Science Festival. Young, beautiful, polite, friendly students of Vyatka State University are always ready to help, tell, explain, evoked only positive emotions among the guests and participants of the festival.

Volunteers were involved in the meeting, accompanying guests, participants, in the work of the main festival sites, organizing competitions, theatrical performances, opening and closing of the festival.

We express our gratitude to the following volunteers for their active participation in the preparation and holding of the festival!
