For students

Future teachers from VyatSU for the public garden "Utkin Park"

  • 14 May 2021, 14:27
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3398
Within the framework of "Green Spring - 2021", students became participants in a volunteer cleanup that brought together caring residents of Kirov

On May 12, within the framework of the All-Russian environmental cleanup "Green Spring - 2021", which is annually organized by the "V.I. Vernadsky" Fund and the All-Russian Society for the Conservation of Nature, with the support of the Federation Council and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, Rosprirodnadzor, large corporations and other organizations, students of the pedagogical areas of training at VyatSU under the guidance of Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy Larisa Beresneva took part in the creation of the park " Utkin Park ".

Before the start of tree planting, the Governor of the Kirov Region Igor Vasiliev made a speech. He noticed:

    - The project is truly very interesting: caring residents took the initiative, organized themselves and made a park out of a rather unsightly place. We can already see how the space is being transformed; but there is still a lot of work, so everyone can join the project.

Together with the head of the region, Minister of Environmental Protection of the Kirov region A.V. Albegova, Deputy Head of the Kirov City Administration G.I. Plekhov, the students planted 50 spruces, firs and pines as coordinators of the Utkin Park city project. On a sunny day, future teachers showed skill in the ability to plant green spaces, distinguished themselves by their cheerfulness, diligence and respect for nature.

In total, about 200 conifers will appear on the territory of the planned park this year. Corner st. Moskovskaya and R. Erdyakov have already been prepared for paving the footpath.

In addition, in the future, it is planned to create a playground with a hockey rink here, set up a stage, build a wooden bridge across the Lyulchenka River. Lev Bakshtaev, one of the project coordinators, said that the work on the site of the future park is being carried out by activists, so the organizers gladly accept help and welcome the assistance of caring citizens and entrepreneurs. You can contact the organizers of the project through social networks - just write in the groups of the Utkin Park project.

After planting trees, VyatSU students enjoyed taking pictures with the Governor and the Minister of Environmental Protection, and also gave interviews to several TV channels of the city.

Translated by Artemij Sizov

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