For students

VyatSU students became the best at the II International Congress "Design. Materials. Technology"

  • 29 April 2019, 08:53
  • Author: admin
  • Views 5210

Within the framework of the Congress, the third round of the All-Russian Student Subject Olympiad on the technology of artistic processing of materials and the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Science and education in the field of technical aesthetics, design and technology of artistic processing of materials” were held.

Representatives of 21 universities in Russia attended the event.

Students and postgraduates of the Department of Technology and Design of the Faculty of Technology, Engineering and Design showed the best overall result among participating universities:

Kleiman A.V. (gr. ТKhOb - 2801) - II place in the main (general) competition of the Olympiad;

Starikov A.A. (gr. TKhOb - 3801) - III place in the main (general) competition of the Olympiad;

Medvedeva M.B. (gr.TKhOb - 4801) - I place, the nomination "Graphics" of the Olympiad;

Cherezova D.Yu. (gr. ISKa - 3801) - I place for the report "Constructive and decorative features of wooden iconostasis on the example of Vyatka monuments" at the scientific-practical conference.

Congratulations to the winners, the Department and the Faculty with a great result!


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