For students

Information for freshmen

  • 29 August 2012, 10:49
  • Author: admin
  • Views 16781
A person becomes a VyatSU student after the University Rector’s Order for enrollment for study at the University in accordance with the Rules of admission.

The first days at the University

September 1st is a "Freshman Day": a celebratory line for the 1st year students, meeting with the Rector, Vice-rectors, Deans, Faculty members and staff.

At the organizational meeting you will meet the deputy dean and the Dean of your Faculty, as well as your curator.

There you also:

- will be given a student card and a record-book;

- will be given your timetable and be told how to use it;

- will be explained what group you belong to, and where all your academic buildings are situated;

- will be informed about the studying process and variety of classes.

At the meeting you will choose the leader of your group (a “starosta” in Russian), will get acquainted with the structure of the university and will get the safety instructions. Here you can also ask any questions about your studying, your student’s house or extracurricular activities.


Class Schedule (by time)

1 class (pair): 8.20 - 09.50

2 class (pair): 10.00 - 11.30

3 class (pair): 11.45 - 13.15

4 class (pair): 14.00 - 15.30

5 class (pair): 15.45 - 17.15

6 class (pair): 17.20 - 18.50

7 class (pair): 18.55 - 20.25


