For students

Student house № 1

  • 16 December 2016, 02:14
  • Author: admin
  • Views 5330

The Student House is of a corridor type. There are 2-4 kitchens, 4 bathrooms on each floor. On the ground floor there are men's and women's showers and a laundry room.

Students of the Institute of Mathematics and Information Systems, Institute of Economics and Management, Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Pedagogical Institute live in the Student House №1.

Each student is provided with a bed, a chair, a bedside table, a shelf, a mattress, a pillow, a blanket, a bed linen, 2 towels. In the room there are 1-2 cupboards, 1-2 tables, a drawer, and curtains. The bed linen is changed once a week by Fridays.



Adress: 610046, Kirov, Oktjabrski prospect, 113

Tel: (8332) 64-45-21

Head: Lukmanova Lyubov Mihaylovna