For students

Student house № 8

  • 10 December 2011, 02:29
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4326

The Student House is of a block type with a bathroom in each block of rooms. There are 2 kitchens on each floor. A Canteen is situated in the Student House.

The students of the Pedagogical Institute, the Institute of Economics and Management, Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences live there.

Each student is provided with a bed, a chair, a shelf, a mattress, a pillow, a blanket, a bed linen, 2 towels. In the room there are: 2-3 cupboards, 2 tables, and curtains. The bed linen is changed once a week by Thursdays.



Adress: 610002, Kirov, Svobode st, 133

Теl: (8332) 37-25-24

Head:  Shatalova Elena Valentinovna