The results of the scientific activities of the university in 2021
The research activities of the university are focused on the priority areas of modernization and technological development of the economy of the region and the Russian Federation.
The main scientific directions of the university:
- Mathematics
- Physicochemical, molecular and cellular biology, biotechnology
- Geography and environment
- Inorganic chemistry, solid state chemistry, materials science
- Energy
- Chemical technologies, including petrochemistry
- Production technologies and engineering technologies
- Computer sciences, including information and telecommunication technologies, robotics
- Historical sciences, cultural studies, art history
- Philological sciences
- Economic sciences, economic geography
- Psychology and pedagogical sciences.
In 2021, the university conducted 175 R&D with a total volume of 121.814 million rubles, including:
- fundamental research 11.848 million rubles. (in 2020 - 15.199 million rubles);
- applied - 58.095 million rubles. (in 2020 - 41.187 million rubles);
- exploratory research - 0.310 million rubles. (in 2020 - 0.150 million rubles);
experimental developments - 51.560 million rubles. (in 2020 - 61.279 million rubles)
Sources of R&D funding were distributed as follows:
- the amount of funding from the federal budget - 12.784 million rubles;
- the amount of funding from scientific funds - 10.174 million rubles;
- the amount of financing from the regional budget - 1.550 million rubles;
- the volume of financing under the orders of Russian organizations - 95.713 million rubles;
- the volume of financing from foreign sources - 1.030 million rubles;
- the amount of financing from other extrabudgetary sources - 0.563 million rubles.
Six scientific studies were carried out at the expense of ministries and departments:
two - from the funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation with a funding of 1.200 million rubles. (grants of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of scientific research conducted by young Russian scientists - candidates of science and doctors of science. Research topics: "Development and implementation of a system for assessing and forecasting the ecological state and productivity of freshwater reservoirs based on geoinformation and other digital technologies", "Mechanisms adhesiveness of bacteriophage pseudotuberculosis diagnostic to Yersinia pseudotuberculosis cells”);
three - from the funds of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation with a funding amount of 9.585 million rubles (state contracts for the implementation of research work on the topics: "Development of recommendations for the formation of official statistical information based on the results of the agricultural micro-census of 2021", "Development of recommendations for improving methods for generating household expenditure totals based on data from a sample survey of household budgets in accordance with the Eurostat recommendations on the harmonization of household expenditure survey programs in the EU Member States (stage 2021)" "Development of recommendations for the dissemination of the results of selective observation of the health status of the population", customer Federal State Statistics Service);
one - from the funds of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation with the amount of funding of 1.725 million rubles. (state contract for the implementation of research work on the topic "Development of a financial and economic justification for the formation of a system of compulsory social insurance against unemployment").
Russian foundations and public organizations financed 9 projects:
three grants from the Russian Science Foundation with a total funding of 7.111 million rubles;
five grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research with a total funding of 3.063 million rubles.
one grant from the Russian Geographical Society with funding of 0.563 million rubles.
Strategic partnerships were successfully developed with a number of manufacturing, engineering and research enterprises and organizations: Limited Liability Company Scientific Research Institute of Pipeline Transport, Limited Liability Company Nanolek, Joint Stock Company United Chemical Company URALCHEM, Joint Stock Society "AVVA RUS",
Limited Liability Company HaloPolymer Kirovo-Chepetsk, Limited Liability Company National Bioservice, etc.
Research and development work was carried out by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, the Fund for Infrastructure Educational Programs, the International Organization Eurasian Economic Commission, the Federal State Statistics Service, the Joint Stock Company "Black Sea Trunk Oil Pipelines", the Limited Liability Company "Scientific -research center "TOPAZ", etc.