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Anatoly Kolpakov: “I never dreamed of leaving the Kirov region”

  • 27 December 2022, 09:20
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1189
Head of Production at the Kirov Pharmaceutical Factory, at the age of 25 manages almost a hundred people.

Anatoly Kolpakov is a native of the village of Kyrmyzh, Kumensky district. He always studied well, and the craving for biology appeared as soon as the subject began to be studied according to the school curriculum. After the 9th grade, he thought about going to medical college, but it didn’t work out. And at the end of the 11th grade, it was decided to go to the philological faculty.

“Somehow I quickly realized that the study of the humanities is not mine,” Anatoly Kolpakov said. - And he moved to the biological faculty of Vyatka State University. Then he became interested in anatomy, histology.

The student got into practice at the Kirov Pharmaceutical Factory. Responsible for updating technical documentation. A talented and purposeful guy was immediately noticed by the management. And when the diploma was already in hand, they were invited to work.

At the Kirov Pharmaceutical Factory, he began his career as a technologist. After 2 years, he moved to work in the shop, also as a technologist. Responsibilities included organizing shift work, developing production technologies, and compiling documentation. Just a few months later, the technologist became the head of production. Now Anatoly Kolpakov is 25 years old. He has 97 people under him.

Last year, the Kirov Pharmaceutical Factory implemented a project to produce Salbutamol. Anatoly Kolpakov took an active part in putting the drug into industrial production - he was a member of a working group of specialists, he was involved in calculating the capacities of technological equipment, determining the volume of drug production, the required amount of raw materials, materials, packaging and other details of the production process.

Now this drug is included in the list of essential drugs for life. And the Kirov Pharmaceutical Factory is the only one in the region that produces this drug. Since November last year, the release of Salbutamol has amounted to more than 2.5 million packages.

“The company highly appreciates the contribution of a young specialist: his desire to work, giving almost all his free time, a non-standard approach to solving problematic issues, the ability to promote his ideas and vision for the implementation of the tasks set, understanding of responsibility and willingness to take it upon himself,” says the management of Kirovskaya pharmaceutical factory. – Currently, the specialist manages two divisions, which include four production sites, is responsible for the production, quality and labeling of medicines, is an internal inspector during the work of the commission for the inspection of divisions and quality control.

The 25-year-old specialist is confident that Russian pharmacology has a great future. And all drugs that are not produced in our country and on which the life and health of Russians depend will be developed and will be able to be produced by Russian companies. And the future belongs to young specialists who are passionate about pharmacology. Yes, it will take time, but in the future this direction of production will develop. An example of this is the company where he works.

- 4 years ago, when I came, the modernization at the enterprise had just begun, - says Anatoly Kolpakov. — And now it is an advanced Russian company that does not stop in its development. And over the years we have achieved and developed a lot.

The young specialist admits that he never dreamed of leaving the Kirov region. Thoughts were to leave, but goals - never.

“We have a very beautiful city and a beautiful region,” Anatoly Kolpakov says. And our region has a great development prospect. This is me, as a young resident and specialist, saying. For example, we have very good and modern pharmacological production facilities. And young people have a place to go to work, there is a place to grow in these factories. And so it is in almost all directions. I think that where you were born there and came in handy. And I am glad that my knowledge and skills are useful both for my native enterprise and my native region.

Read in Russian at the source "Kirovskaya pravda
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