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Public talk "I'm in business" with Andrey Dmitriev: "To become an entrepreneur, you need to be able to take responsibility for other people"

  • 5 March 2022, 12:52
  • Author: admin
  • Views 569

The joint project of VyatSU and VTPP "I'm in business" continues - public conversations in the public talk format with famous businessmen and heads of enterprises of the Kirov region, during which guests share their entrepreneurial experience, talk about the work of their enterprise, problems and achievements, answer participants questions.

The guest of the third public talk was Andrey Dmitriev, general producer of ROSVIDEO Production, which
 started in 2007 with an idea and desire, and now has offices in Kirov, Kazan, Moscow and St. Petersburg, 
employs more than 60 people and is in the TOP-15 video production studios in Russia.

What is it like to build a successful federal scale business while being in the region? Andrei claims that the secret is to turn the minuses into pluses:


- For example, the disadvantage of the territorial location in the region turns into a plus in terms of costs (compared to capital companies), and this, in turn, makes it possible to offer the product at a favorable price for the client, thereby securing the market. The experience of ROSVIDEO is unique, because in the absence of an acting department within the region, a sufficient number of contractors, producers, actors, etc., the company formed its own resource and personnel base.

Now we can release our product using our own staff of professional producers and directors, our own creative department, designers, copywriters, film crew, pre-production and post-production departments, our own equipment.


ROSVIDEO releases about 100-200 projects per year. How to deal with such a task? Andrey's advice (by the way, a graduate of the Vyatka State University's socio-economic faculty) is as follows:

- Any project lives when it has, firstly, a leader - an "ideator", secondly, a team, because one person will not do anything without a team, and thirdly, resources. And of course, you need to understand that a large volume and high-quality business can only be done with a professional approach - with strict deadlines, terms of reference and technologies for the implementation of each project task.


Meeting participant Elizaveta Kosnyreva shared her impressions of the event:

   -  Quite by accident I saw a record for this event on the Leader ID platform. I was hooked on the activities of the ROSVIDEO company and I wanted to learn in detail about the pitfalls in this area. I really liked how the speaker presented the material without too much fuss, answered all the questions of interest, which were asked both online and offline, in a timely manner. I did not regret a bit that I signed up and received a lot of useful information from the practice of real people. There was a motivation to create and create your own! Thanks for the opportunity!


The organizers of the project public talk "I'm in business" - Vyatka State University, the Union "Vyatka Chamber of Commerce and Industry".


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