Оur university

Skills Upgrading

  • 16 November 2016, 10:53
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2411

Advanced Skills Upgrading is knowledge and skills updating for specialists with professional education, due to the increased requirements to their qualifications and need to develop new ways of solving their professional problems.


Skills Upgrading Courses for organizations’ specialists


-         Management of state and municipal procurement and supply

-         MS Office Advanced course. EXCEL

-         Estimated normalization and pricing for construction works and construction products

-         Estimated normalization and pricing in construction

-         Environmental safety at work with hazardous waste

-         Personal data security while processing by information systems of personal data

-         Innovative commercial technologies in restaurant business

-         Modern methods of physical-chemical

-         PC user - AutoCad

-         PC user - 3ds Max


Skills Upgrading Courses for state and municipal servants

- Management of state and municipal procurement and supply

- Public service: legal and organizational support

- Information technology for municipal service

- Anti-corruption strategy in the Russian Federation and an implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Plan

- Development of organizational and managerial culture of civil servants

- Personal data security while processing by information systems of personal data

- Legal and organizational support of the local authorities

- Management of land and municipal property in municipalities

- Foreign Language for civil servants


Skills Upgrading Courses for accountants and financial specialists


- Accounting of budgetary institutions

- Accounting and taxation of budgetary institutions

- Budget accounting and reporting of state institutions

- Municipal budget within reforming of the budget sector

- Accounting and reporting of independent organizations

- Budget process, budget accounting and reporting


Skills Upgrading Courses for a teaching staff

- Anti-corruption strategy

- MS Office Advanced course. EXCEL


Supplementary Education Courses

- School for suburban construction

- PC user – AutoCad

- PC user - 3ds Max


Department of Additional Education and International Affairs


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