Оur university

Certificates of public professional accreditation

  • 28 November 2013, 14:37
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4889

Certificate of Accreditation No. R-207

It is hereby confirmed accreditation by the Agency for control of quality education and career development (AKKORK) of the basic educational program of the Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “Vyatka state university” (index of the program and terms of accreditation points in the enclosure) in accordance to the quality preparation of graduating students of the program quality standards and guaranteed quality, adjudicate the basic recommendation of the European Association of Guaranteed Quality in Higher Education (ENQA).








Certificate No. 002/VPO of compliance in systems of managements of quality of education

It is hereby attested, that the system of management of quality of education of the Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “Vyatka state university” provides for the quality of results of training and guaranteed quality of education in compliance with the demands of the European standards and recommendations for intrinsic and higher guaranteed quality of education by the European association guaranteed quality in higher education (ESG ENQA), with criteria and demands GOST R ISO 9001-2008 “Systems of management quality demands” (ISO 9001:2008), with criteria and demands of the European fund of guaranteed quality e-learning (EFQUEL) and the European model of business perfection (EFQM).



Appendix No. 2 to the Certificate of Accreditation No. R-207

The programs of higher professional education:

080507 Management organizations,

210406 Telecommunications and systems of communication














Appendix No. 3 to the certificate of Accreditation No. R-207

The programs of higher professional education:

150202 Equipment and technology of welding manufacturing;

030401 History













Appendix No. 1 to the certificate of Accreditation No. R-207

The programs of higher education:

020209 Microbiology;

031401 Cultural studies;

080109 Accounting analysis and auditing;

090301 Commercial studies (trading);

080504 Applied information studies (by area);

140104 Industrial thermal engineering;

140211 Power supply;

140610 Electrical equipment and ???? ????, organizations and establishment

150405 Machines and equipment of timber industry;

151001 Technology of machine building;

230201 Information systems and technology;

240502 Technology of processing plastics and elastomers;

240901 Biotechnology;

270102 Industrial and civil construction;

280102 Safety of technology processes and production;

280201 Security of surrounding environment and rationalization of the use of natural resources


Appendix No. 4 to the certificate of accreditation No. R-207

Program of higher professional education:

080502 Economics and administration of enterprises (by branch)