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The team of Tomsk State University and the National Agency for the Development of Qualifications joined the discussion of a new model of teacher education at VyatSU

  • 20 December 2022, 20:59
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2688
The team of Tomsk State University and the National Agency for the Development of Qualifications joined the discussion of a new model of teacher education at VyatSU

As part of the network project "University National Initiative for the Quality of Education" (UNIQO), an expert-consulting session on quality management of the teacher education program was held at the Pedagogical Institute of Vyatka State University.

On December 12-13, in the coworking space of the Pedagogical Institute of Vyatka State University, an extensive program of the expert-consulting session “Quality Management of the Pedagogical Education Program” was implemented with the participation of experts from a large UNIKO network project. Among them are representatives of the National Research Tomsk State University, as well as the National Agency for the Development of Qualifications.

A month earlier, at the site of the Vyatka State University, the UNICO team held a design and analytical session on quality issues for the universities of the Volga Federal District, during which they got acquainted with the experience of the Pedagogical Institute of Vyatka State University in designing a new model of teacher education. The residents of Tomsk, who are actively involved in conducting similar research and implementing various training programs, aspired to continue the discussion and offer their colleagues their expert assessment.

Kirov teachers also expressed a counter desire.

"We also consider the holding of an expert-consulting session with the participation of colleagues from Tomsk State University as a continuation of a series of events aimed at designing and implementing a new model of teacher education, which we conduct directly at our university. The first stage was a four-day methodical school for heads of educational programs of pedagogical education at Vyatka State University - its result was a joint study of the logic and content of teacher training" - recalled the director of the Pedagogical Institute of Vyatka State University Galina Simonova, head of the Directorate of Pedagogical Education of the University. However, the speaker emphasized, there is another important aspect that needs to be discussed in detail:

"It is connected, first of all, with the request of the employer. The head of an educational organization is interested not only in the grades in the graduate diploma, but equally in the range and level of mastery of certain functions that a young teacher is able to implement in the educational process when teaching schoolchildren. This is a kind of passport, we call it "Functional portrait of the future teacher.""

It was from this position - the real readiness of the graduate to work at school - that the Directorate of Pedagogical Education of Vyatka State University looked at the issue of the quality of university training and invited experienced external experts to their platform. The two-day program of the expert-consulting session included discussions, expert laboratories and consultations, project games-workshops. The speech of Vyacheslav Utemov, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Director for Pedagogical Education of Vyatka State University, was listened to with great attention. Vyacheslav Viktorovich presented the model of teacher education developed at the Vyatka State University, highlighting in detail its basic principles.

"It seems interesting and relevant to us to build different tracks for students within the program. A very important issue for all pedagogical universities is the issue of consistency with the general education system, for which personnel are trained. And it is very good that when designing a new program at Vyatka State University, a lot of work was done to agree on the request, the content of teacher education" - noted Elena Sukhanova, dep uty. Vice-Rector for Educational Activities, Director of the Institute of Education of Tomsk State University.

Elena Anatolyevna answered the question about the significance of the event: "It was important for us to discuss the Vyatka State University model and our model - to move forward together: to see how we can improve the quality of teacher education programs, guarantee the educational performance of our graduates, and what model solutions themselves can be in terms of both the programs themselves and quality management educational outcomes."

The results of the expert-consulting session were highly appreciated by the Vice-Rector for Development on the basis of data analysis of Vyatka State University Ekaterina Mityagina, who acted as one of the initiators of the event.

 "A lot of work has been done at the Pedagogical Institute of our university to create a new model of teacher education. In the course of its discussion with Tomsk colleagues, another big step forward was made. The pronounced practice orientation of the presented model prompted me to look at the research conducted by my team in a different way, for example, from the perspective of individual educational trajectories. In addition, I was once again convinced that it would be useful to include training in data analysis in educational tracks in all areas of training: at least in order to teach the ability to set the task correctly. The new model of teacher education has interested me - I am ready to get involved in further work on it and make suggestions to strengthen some of its aspects."

According to G.I. Simonova, ahead of the Vyatka State University team implementing the new model, work in the methodological workshops awaits - it will become the third step on the way to debugging all its mechanisms.

Photos, illustrations: moments of the implementation of the session program; familiarization of experts with the Pedagogical Institute of Vyatka State University, the UNIKO team in the New Year's Eve city; fragments of the presentation by V.V. Utyomova

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