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Why did a team of teachers and subject methodologists from Vyatka State University leave the city for four days

  • 9 December 2022, 12:58
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1117

As you know, the Vyatka State University has begun to implement a new model of teacher education. Already in 2023, applicants for the Pedagogical Education program will have access to a wide range of combinations of possible profiles: instead of 12, there will be 100 of them.

This in no way excludes the traditional possibility of becoming, say, a teacher of the Russian language and literature or mathematics and computer science. We are talking about additional options, a significant expansion of the range of possible combinations, taking into account the requests of educational organizations and the interests of the applicant himself. Moreover, during the first two years of study at the university, the student will be able to verify the correctness of the decision made and, if necessary, consciously change the choice of one or both training profiles.

However, the innovations do not end there. The essence of the model proposed at Vyatka State University, one of the leaders in pedagogical education in the country, is much deeper. The changes will also affect each of the profiles of the “Pedagogical Education” training area, the subject-methodological modules will be filled with relevant content.

Indeed, today future teachers cannot be taught in the old way: the modern school is undergoing dynamic changes, and today's children are not like their yesterday's peers. Therefore, it is schools and other educational organizations that Vyatka State University teachers and methodologists turn to for an urgent request. And it is for him, taking into account all aspects and details, that educational programs are being formed at the Pedagogical Institute of Vyatka State University.

On November 29 - December 2, on the basis of the children's country camp "Sosnovy Bor", an exit methodical school of the Pedagogical Institute of Vyatka State University was held, in which more than 50 people took part. Among them are leaders of educational trajectories in all profiles of pedagogical education of the university, directors of educational organizations in the region - both specialized resource centers (VGG, CFML, LEN) and rural schools.

The team of the visiting methodical school included representatives of the Institute for the Development of Education of the Kirov Region and the Center for Distance Education of Children. It is important to note that, in addition to subject methodologists, Vyatka State University involved specialists from various structural divisions in the project work, and the experts included Vice-Rector for Education Sergey Nikulin and Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Project Activities Konstantin Bazhin.

Four days of trainings, lectures and consultations, work in project groups, and before that - a broad discussion of subject-methodological blocks with colleagues at departments and faculties ... As a result, each subject methodologist presented his approach to the educational program, outlined the key points and argued or other changes - it is fundamentally important that the experts were not only university colleagues, but completely different members of the professional community. A wide range of addressees ensured a high quality of feedback.

Galina Simonova, director of the Pedagogical Institute of Vyatka State University, head of the Directorate of Pedagogical Education of the university, spoke about another significant component of the program of the event:

- We also tried to correlate the content of each subject-methodological module with a set of other knowledge that is important for any teacher. These are the disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle, the disciplines of the block "Health saving", the discipline "Philosophy", issues of working with children with disabilities, all pedagogical practices. As part of the group work with the moderators, the meanings and logic of the development of these disciplines were discussed - then the results of the work done were presented to a large number of experts: IRO specialists, school directors, teachers, vice-rectors of Vyatka State University.

This was a very important moment associated with the formation of a holistic view of the teacher training program. We have achieved some success: colleagues clearly saw how, for example, the disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical block work for teaching the subject and teaching methods.

Galina Ivanovna recalled that a graduate of the Pedagogical Institute will have to be a teacher in the subject / subjects, simultaneously performing the functions of a class teacher and having the skills to work with parents of schoolchildren. All these different professional competencies should complement each other, ensuring the integrity of teacher training. These simple and understandable theses are not formulated today; but today they need to be rethought, just as educational programs need to be “rebuilt” – such work is being actively carried out within the framework of the new model of teacher education at Vyatka State University.

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