Оur university

Personnel Management

  • 23 August 2016, 17:58
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1821
Qualification of the graduate: bachelor.
Forms and terms of education:
- full-time - 4 years;
- correspondence - 5 years;
- correspondence accelerated - 3 years 6 months.
Entrance exams:
- mathematics (profile),
- social science,
- russian language.
Graduate Departments: Department of State and Municipal Management.
Address: Kirov, Karl Marx st. 77, educational building №5 off. 203.
Human Resources Organization
Where to work?
Graduates of the training areas are in demand in personnel management services, organizations of any organizational and legal form in industry, commerce, transport, banking, insurance, tourism and other spheres of activity, including research organizations, personnel management services, state and municipal governments, employment services and social protection of population of the regions and cities, recruitment agencies and organizations specializing in the management and HR consulting and others.