Qualification of the graduate: bachelor.
Forms and terms of education: full-time - 4 years; correspondence - 4 years 8 months, part-time accelerated - 3 years 8 months.
Entrance exams:mathematics (principal), physics, russian language.
Graduate Departments:
Department of Heat Engineering and Hydraulics (address: Kirov, Studencheski proezd, 11, building №8, office 308, phone: 8 8332 53-28-47, 53-27-60, 53-25-83).
AREA OF STUDY: Industrial power system.
What subjects are studied?
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Electrical engineering and electronics
- Superchargers and thermal engines
- Theoretical and applied mechanics
- Thermodynamics
- Safety
and many others.
Continuing education: postgraduate.