Оur university

Boris Ilyich Krasnov: from training by correspondence to day-time training

  • 8 January 2014, 16:47
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3208

B.I. Krasnov handed on the baton from Mosunov, who began teaching. But the main goal was the transformation of the training by correspondence to day-time training and getting the first category.

Boris Ilyich introduced many new technologies into training-production process. The preparatory courses were opened, where hundreds of listeners were taught, including the directions of the main industrial enterprises. Business contracts with Mayak plant, Tyre plant, Novovyatsk Mechanical plant, Lepse plant were signed at that time.

Personnel was only one of the transformations (changes) carried out at the institute. They also developed another sphere – construction. Students’ dormitories, block of houses for teachers, ski depot, extension to the 1 building were constructed then.

The most important and perspective scientific techniques of that time were developed at the chair of electrochemical technologies of the Chemical Engineering College, which was opened by the Chancellor’s initiative. The works in application of the wooden frames in construction, using pin joints, developed by Professor Y.V. Piskunov (the Chair of Theoretical Mechanics and Machine parts),  the walking apparatus created by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor A.A. Shibanov , the contactless synchronous generator for Air Forces - author, Assistant Professor D.A.Grechuchin (the Chair of Electrical Machines and Apparatus), the works of high voltage laboratory, opened by the Assistant Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences V.S.Goldayev, problem laboratory in construction and investigation of special alloys, begun under the leadership of Y.K. Favstov and continued by V.M. Kondratov, and scientific works of V.S. Goldayev and G.F.Kropotov, senior teacher A.I. Leenson, Professor, Candidate of chemical sciences M.V. Simonova, senior teacher of the chair of machine

The results of the work of Krasnov: the institution became day-time establishment, the new building was built. The personnel’s qualification raised, 7 more chairs were added to the former 13. The number of students increased from 4000 to 6600.  
