Оur university

Vasilii Iakovlevich Klabukov: 13 New Specialties and More than 10 New Departments

  • 8 January 2014, 16:50
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3137
1973 - 1981

Vasilii Iakovlevich Klabukov was invited from the Kazan Aviation Institute to Kirov in 1973.  He was already a well know specialist in his field, with a doctorate in technical science and full professorship. Under his leadership, quite a lot was constructed- an apartment house for university employees, a student dormitory and the expansion of the 4th corpus of the university.        

In 1973, 2,024 students ( 65% of the student body)participated in the Student Scientific Society. 177 upperclassmen where engaged in contracting between the university and various enterprises. In just the department of technical machine construction alone, one of the leading departments, there were 41 senior diploma projects, which generated 133 thousand rubles for the economy.

A language lab was created at the university for the study of foreign languages. It was equipped with a television monitoring system and a university television studio. They purchased the first computer.

In 1973, 75 dotsents worked at the university but by 1981 there were already 206. This was a great leap in qualified staff, giving the university greater excellence.

In 1974, the first doctoral dissertation at the university was defended by the dotsent Iu. K. Favstov from the Department of Metallurgy. His work was connected with the investigation of alloys and the development of a manganese copper alloy which possessed high vibration dampening properties, which promised new possibilities for the development of the country’s economy. Five years later this topic was continued in V. M. Kondratov’s dissertation.

 In 1976 the 4th corpus on Karl Liebknecht street was opened. 

The teachers and employees of the Automated and Telemechanical Department developed the automated management system for the Lepse KEMPO and the “Maiak” factory.

V. S. Goldaev’s High Voltage Research Laboratory functioned successfully.

During the years V Ia. Klabukov was rector, 136 people defended Candidate diplomas.

In 1980, the university had more than 7,000 students, with about 4,00 of them being full time day students rather than correspondence students.  13 new specialties were created an 10 new departments were added.

In 1981 the Seed Ionization Laboratory was opened along with the application of PC technology and a debugging system based on PCs. The fourth Dormitory building was also constructed.
