Оur university


  • 30 January 2014, 10:44
  • Author: admin
  • Views 10062

Dear Internet users! Dear friends!


I am very pleased to welcome you at Vyatka State University site!


VyatSU is the largest university in the Kirov region, which has a wide range of basic and additional educational programs to its credit, in which more than 23 thousand people study. The university is distinguished by a high level of requirements for students and teachers, a stable demand for graduates, and an open dialogue between different generations.


Fundamental and applied scientific research, experimental and developmental developments are carried out at our sites. All of them are focused, first of all, on the priority areas of socio-economic development of the Kirov region.


The university confidently holds a high bar for cultural life, laid the foundation for new trends, and became a place for bringing together creative people. We are always glad to see on our sites like-minded people, friends, all caring people who are aimed at creating and making our city and region better!


We see our purpose in that every resident of the region has "benefits" from our activities, feels his involvement in the common cause, feels the university's care for himself and for the place where he lives. Without this “private” aspect, the high status of a flagship university is impossible, which, I think, has been fully confirmed.


For my part, I am also open to communication. I am convinced that a constructive dialogue contributes to the solution of complex tasks that modernity sets before us. Your initiative, adherence to principles and interest are the necessary components of our common success!


Valentin Pugach



Valentin Pugach was born in January 10, 1970 in Krasnoarmiysk, Donetsk region, Ukraine.


1995 - Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute. Diploma in  finances and credit.

2005 - Russian  Academy of State Service under the President of Russia. Graduated cum laude.

Candidate of economic sciences.

Professional experience

1990s - held executive positions in audit, economics and business accounting.

2001- 2006 Administration of the President: federal inspector in the Mari El Republic. Main federal inspector in Kirov region.

2007- 2008 State Service for Control under the Russian Government. Russian Fund of Federal Property, head of Kirov branch.

2009 - 2010 Federal Controlling Agency in the sphere of education and science, head of department of licensing and accreditation.

From 2010 the chancellor of Federal Government-financed Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Vyatka State University» (FGEI HPE “VyatSU”).

Since 2015 - acting Rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Vyatka State University" Since 2017 - Rector of the Vyatka State University


E-mail: rector@vyatsu.ru

Reception phone: 8 (8332) 742-889, 64-65-71

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