Оur university

International activities at the University

  • 4 March 2013, 19:06
  • Author: admin
  • Views 13414

Today, international cooperation is advancing to a new stage of its development, which contributes to maintaining a high level of educational and research activities VyatSU.

VyatSU maintains contacts with international organizations of different countries of the world, has agreements on scientific-technical, educational, information and cooperation with several foreign higher educational institutions: the Academy of management "Adizes" (USA), Academy of Podlasie in Selda (Poland), Institute of technical acoustics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, national engineering school of Saint Etienne (France), Troy University (USA), University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA); company - "Shimadzu Europe GmbH (Germany), "Prescott instruments Ltd" (England). Created by the international Сouncil for cooperation in the field of forest professional education in the Finno-Ugric countries and regions of Russia.

Teachers and students actively participate in the international conference, grants, competitions, and in international exchange programmes, training programmes abroad (UK, Germany, Italy, France, Israel, USA).


The main directions of international activity:
-implementation of international educational programs and academic projects and contracts;
-training of foreign citizens;
-academic exchange of students and teachers;
-promote research in various fields of knowledge;
-structural and informational support of international activities;
-participation in international seminars, conferences and other similar events;
-participation in programs of intercultural exchange;
- involvement of teaching staff in international cooperation;
-implementation of information and Executive activities;
- the export of educational services
- ongoing advice and assistance to departments and employees of the University;
- formation of programs of international cooperation.


Management of extended education and international activities
Contact person - Dedukhina Anna Vladimirovna
E-mail: av_deduhina@vyatsu.ru
Address: Kirov, Krasnoarmeiskaya st., 26, room 107

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