Оur university

Business game "Career: Start!" is over at Vyatka State University

  • 20 March 2017, 16:29
  • Author: admin
  • Views 6512

On March 18 the second business game "Career: Start!" was held in VyatSU academic building №1.

These year over 400 students have signed up for participating in the game; and 26 largest regional companies represented employers.

As a tradition before the game each participant has received his passport, an employment record book, some initial financing and a newspaper with job vacancies. The task for the participants was to get a job and by using the opportunity of getting another higher education and advanced training courses to get his career promoted up to the position of a top manager or director of the company. The time was limited by 3 hours and 20 minutes only.

The game has become a real competition with a real lack of time for making decisions. In the game as in real life one needed to work and study a lot for getting success and to be able to spent money correctly.

As a result only the best of the best have become the winners. The job contest made up seven people per a working place (as of the number of working positions and the game participants).

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