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Igor Dubinnikov shares the secrets of personal self-projecting within “Lectures at the Polytechnic”

  • 27 October 2017, 16:38
  • Author: admin
  • Views 6313

A new guest of Vyatka educational project "Lectures at the Polytechnic" Igor Dubinnikov (Moscow) is a practicing business coach of "SKOLKOVO" Technopark, and an expert in the field of self-determination.

On November 9, 2017 he delivered a lecture "Are you in the future? Do you have any future?"

The lecturer touched upon issues of deliberate choice while decision-making, personal business models and personal strategy, as well as an essential topic of the world's development in the nearest 50 years. One of the key problems was associated with the crisis of middle age; and the popular coach indicated the way out of it by self-projecting practices.

For reference:

Igor Dubinnikov graduated from Kursk State Pedagogical University and Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. He is a top manager, an author of the book "Your business idea. Dreaming and creating". This effective manager has been working in domestic and multinational companies such as Alexei Mordashev's Power Machines, Mikhail Abyzov’s RUKOM, TGK-1 Gazpromenergoholding, Boris Zingarevich’s EnerZ, Viktor Vekselberg's energy holding T-Plus, AB InBev. As a founder of the investment fund AAA Trust Dubinnikov understands modern business landscape and participates in the most interesting start-ups. He is well known as an expert on awareness and self-projecting. One of his most popular programs is "SELF Projection", as well as the course "300 Spartans". He has conducted 100 trainings for over 3,500 graduates.

The lecture was delivered on November 09, 2017 at Moskovskaya Str, 36 (VyatSU main building), room 128.

Online registration available via art.moskvin@gmail.com


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