Оur university

Over 1000 students studied the budget, investments and credit financing within the "Days of financial literacy"

  • 9 September 2016, 17:54
  • Author: admin
  • Views 5899
VyatSU celebrated the Day of financier by arranging the popular students’ annual event

More than 40 public lectures and workshops in finance were delivered within the "Days of financial literacy". The students also played a business game “Debate” (in parliamentary form) on the topic of ban on consumer loan ads.


Financial experts delivered various lectures and seminars; managers and employees of different banks, investment management companies, the Central Bank, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Prosecuting Authority, ROSPOTREBNADZOR and VyatSU teachers worked there. Speakers raised the issues of financial security: consumer protection in financial services, specific features of microfinancing companies, protection against economic fraud and crimes, issues of successful and safe investment in the financial markets, personal financial plans and budgeting, crediting, taxation, etc.



In her welcoming speech Elena Kovaleva (Kirov region Minister of Finance) noted VyatSU large contribution to the implementation of the Program of improving financial literacy of the region.



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