Оur university

Over 3000 Kirov students joined the All-Russian Students’ Parade

  • 12 September 2016, 15:05
  • Author: admin
  • Views 6110
The students’ parade took place in Kirov on September 10th

The all-Russian action "Parade of the Russian students" occurred for the 15th time and involved 30 cities in the country. Moscow, Arkhangelsk, Nizhniy Novgorod, Perm, Orenburg, Samara and other cities took part in it together with Kirov.

More than 3 000 people from 18 Kirov educational institutions of higher and secondary professional education participated in the event.

The Parade is unique by its scope and significance; it is one of the most important youth events in the life of our city and region, as well as across the country: hundreds of thousands of new students from different Russian cities announced the students’ unity of the youth in Russia.

The teleconference that linked all cities participating in the Parade became one of the brightest moments of the event.



Valentin Pugach (VyatSU acting rector):

-              The most important thing today is to make you feel that you are numerous, that you are young and strong, that we all hope for you. We hope you will study well, will go in for sports, be creative and engaged in socially useful work; so we are sure that in a few years you will join Kirov regional elite. You will create and build your future. I wish you to remember today's celebration for a long time, and years of study become a real fun for you.



The organizers of the parade in Kirov are the Council of vice-rectors of universities of the Kirov region and VyatSU as the Basic University, with the support of the Government of the Kirov region and Kirov city administration.

Totally this 15th (anniversary) Russian students' parade was attended by more than 350 thousand students of our country.

The event started also the recruiting of participants for the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students, which will be held next year.



To read in Russian
