Оur university

Scientists of Vyatka State University took part in the IV International Forum on Teacher Education

  • 7 June 2018, 07:50
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4206

It was held on May, 22-24 at the Kazan Federal University

On May 22-24, Kazan International University hosted the IV International Forum on Teacher Education. The Forum was aimed at studying trends and features of the modernization of teacher education in Russia, analyzing and summarizing theoretical and practical, traditional and innovative approaches to the modernization of teacher education.

More than 600 scientists representing Russian and foreign universities became participants of the Forum. During the events of the extensive business program, they discussed the problems of modeling the personality and professional activity of a new type of teacher, the problems of training the future teacher for pedagogical activity in a multicultural educational space.

Representatives of the Flagship University also took part in the Forum. Elena Galitskikh, The head of the Department of Russian and foreign literature and teaching methods presented the report "Fiction as a source of pedagogical knowledge".

The Dean of the Faculty of pedagogy and psychology Vyacheslav Utemov and the Professor of the Department of pedagogy and methods of preschool and primary education Natalia Alexandrova also participated in conferences held within the framework of the Forum.

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