Оur university

The Department of electric stations is 40 years old!

  • 6 September 2016, 14:26
  • Author: admin
  • Views 5324

The Department of electric stations was formed in 1976. It was established by professors A. Popov and E. Hagemeister.

A significant contribution to the development of laboratory facilities was made by an associate professor A. Pushkov and the head of laboratory S.Topolsky.

Since 1991 the Department has been being headed by the candidate of technical sciences Alexey Novikov.

More than 3 thousands engineers have been trained for the 40 years period of the Department existence.

Students of Department of electric stations have won twice in All-Russian contests (Olympiads).

Ten graduates of the Department have received the degree of Candidates of Sciences; four graduates have become the heads of Department Chairs; two graduates have been working as Directors of Thermal Power Stations.

Many other graduates became famous experts in the sphere of energy and made significant contributions to the industry development.

Currently, the Department prepares specialists in two courses: "Electric power stations" and "Relay protection and automation of electric power systems."

Happy Anniversary to current and former students, as well as to the entire staff of the Department of electric stations! We wish you further success!

Dean of the Faculty of electrical engineering

Alexander Golgowski


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