Оur university

The First Urban Forum started in Kirov

  • 23 October 2018, 17:34
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4832

Flagship University is among the organizers of a significant event for the region It finally happened! The Kirov Urban Forum, which we had been preparing for so long, today began work at the Children's Space Center! Welcoming the participants of the opening ceremony, the rector of VyatSU Valentin Pugach said: More than 300 people registered on the forum site - this number indicates a great interest in the event, in which experts of all-Russian level take part. Dmitry Kurdyumov, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Kirov Region, wished the participants of the First Urban Forum constructive work and high activity, and Vladimir Bykov, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Region, particularly noted “a truly modern approach to the event”.

The head of the city of Kirov, Elena Kovaleva, warmly welcomed the participants. She stressed that in order to achieve a common goal - to create a comfortable urban environment - different urban specialists should work hand in hand. Ensuring security, creating conditions for the development of small and medium business - these aspects, according to Elena Vasilyevna, must be considered when discussing the problems of organizing urban space in the first place.

Speaking about the successful experience of transforming the urban environment, Elena Kovaleva cited as an example the project "Quarter 119", implemented by the Flagship University with the participation of the residents of Kirov.
The Head of the Administration of the city of Kirov, Ilya Shulgin, who initiated the urban forum, said:
In all greetings, the word "unindifference" was heard. This is expectedly: after all, any business begins with it. Let unindifference and inspiration accompany the forum participants!

Ilya Shulgin recalled the words of the writer Alexander Green, who was born in Vyatka, about a simple but important truth - about the ability to do miracles with his own hands.

This is what the participants of the First urban forum will have to do.

The rich program of the forum opened with an interesting lecture module (moderator - Svetlana Zan'ko, editor-in-chief of Ekho of Moskow in Kirov): Ilya Zalivukhin, the head of the architectural and urban planning company “Jauzaproject”, vice-president of the Union of Moscow Architects outlined his view on the problem of the city as a tool for the development of society and business; Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Urbanism of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, the architect of the architect bureau “Wowhaus” Vitaly Stadnikov and co-founder of the Moscow Bureau KB-23 Maxim Lyubavin brought to the discussion the theme of freedom of creative thought of the architect.

Sergey Zausaev, chief urban planner of JSC "Siberian research Institute of urban development", shared his experience in the development of urban agglomerations in the Novosibirsk Region.

The speech aroused great interest: after all, Kirov, as noted by the deputy head of the city administration, Roman Morozov, will inevitably come to the need to resolve this issue.

Urban forum started! Now, in the course of its two-day work, at the sites of the space center and the VyatSU Engineerium will have to carry out extensive work to summarize the best regional, Russian and international experience aimed at creating a truly comfortable and meaningful urban space.

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