Оur university

The Flagship University presented for citizens of Kirov a festival of beauty, kindness and creativity

  • 18 June 2018, 08:29
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4952

On the opening day of the summer season-2018 in the Botanical garden of the VyatSU a six-hour art marathon "Into the garden!" was held. As the result of the implementation of the sociocultural project "Blooming Garden - a Happy City", implemented by the Flagship University in accordance with the Development Program for 2016-2020 the Botanical Garden of Vyatka State University has become one of the most attractive places in Kirov.  

The project not only lives, but also actively develops, noted deputy head of the Center for development of local communities, urban and regional environment of Vyatka State University Natalia Pospelova.

On the opening day of the summer season-2018 in the Botanical garden of the VyatSU a six-hour art marathon "Into the garden!" was held. As the result of the implementation of the sociocultural project "Blooming Garden - a Happy City", implemented by the Flagship University in accordance with the Development Program for 2016-2020 the Botanical Garden of Vyatka State University has become one of the most attractive places in Kirov.  

The project not only lives, but also actively develops, noted deputy head of the Center for development of local communities, urban and regional environment of Vyatka State University Natalia Pospelova.

The Botanical Garden blooms and becomes prettier year after year - and this applies not only to magnificent flowerbeds, a wonderful arboretum and original landscaping products. This is a unique content: after all, the university garden becomes a platform for conducting lectures, master classes, concerts and performances - all that allows to make a rest of Kirov citizens really interesting and informative.
Yesterday a new season of "Art-garden. Opening - 2018" was launched. Under this name in the Botanic Garden of Vyatka State University a grand six-hour creative marathon was held. Institutes and faculties of the University under the leadership of deputy Director of the Institute of Humanitarian and Social Sciences Yulia Kolobova prepared the event.
Opening the event, the rector of Vyatka State University Valentin Pugach turned to the guests of the Art-Garden:
Thank you to everyone who came to share our joy and congratulate Botanical Garden on the opening of the summer season. Today we celebrate Russia Day and City Day - offering a diverse program, the team of the Flagship University contributes to a great general holiday.
During the whole summer and in September here, in the Botanical Garden, interesting and informative events will be held. We hope that they will attract citizens of Kirov - I want this cozy space to become the point of growth of our city.

Elena Kovaleva, the head of the city of Kirov, was also among the guests of the event. She expressed admiration for the Botanical Garden of Vyatka University and called it "a real green treasury", "a corner of appeasement", "a unique place in our city".

The part of the great art program of the festival became the theater of fashion performed by the Department of Technology and Techniques for Teaching Technology of Vyatka State University, the choral chapel of boys "Solovushki Vyatki" (art director - Georgy Antakov). "Laboratory of creativity for kids and adults", original installations and minute sculptures, a summer cinema, a light audiophile "Foam stumps, or Bezdupla", incendiary music performed by the ensemble "Jazz mansard" and Tatiana Klystova, musical performance "sit down" by Andrei Razumovsky. The plein air of artists Andrei Savinov, Dmitry Patrushev and Arkadiy Nikolayev - they are all members of the Union of Artists of Russia and teachers of the Department of Design and Fine Arts of the Flagship University. All these and many others unusual and exciting action in the non-stop mode was held in Botanical Garden on Tuesday!

The guests of the event were so keen on what was happening that the gloomy weather did not cloud the holiday: more than 5000 Kirov citizens attended it.

Throughout the whole summer, Botanic Garden of Vyatka State University will continue to delight citizens with interesting cultural events within the framework of the project "Blooming Garden - a Happy City".

Do not miss the opportunity to join them - bloom with Botanic Garden of Vyatka State University and be happy in your city!



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