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The Online Electronic Dictionary of Vyatka dialects has been created

  • 25 May 2023, 18:02
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2344
Vyatka State University has completed work on the creation of the Online Electronic Dictionary of Vyatka Dialects, timed to coincide with the 650th anniversary of the city of Kirov

The development of the interdisciplinary team of VyatSU is part of the “Russian Cultural Code” project of the “Harmonious Personality” strategic project of the Priority 2030 program. The electronic resource also acts as a gift from the university for all residents of the region on the occasion of the 650th anniversary of the regional center

Vyatka State University has completed work on the creation of the Online Electronic Dictionary of Vyatka Dialects, timed to coincide with the 650th anniversary of the city of Kirov.

The basis of the service was the Thematic Dictionary of Vyatka Dialects, prepared by a team of employees of the Faculty of Philology and Media Communications of Vyatka State University and released in 2013.

Without dialects, the language loses something important, dries up, impoverishes. Understanding this prompted us to create an educational dictionary. It is addressed, first of all, to teachers, schoolchildren, students; can serve as an educational and reference tool, be used in the preparation of term papers and theses, - explained the executive editor of the "Thematic Dictionary of Vyatka Dialects" Zoya Viktorovna Smetanina.

The small circulation of the publication, coupled with its demand in the educational institutions of the region, prompted the compilers to join forces with specialists in other areas - now within the framework of the "Russian Cultural Code" project of the "Harmonious Personality" strategic project of the University's Priority 2030 development program. The interdisciplinary team included web developers from Vyatka State University, as well as representatives of the research archaeological laboratory of the university, who have accumulated considerable experience in presenting research results in the format of geographic information systems.

The result of the work done was a website, which presents a map with examples of the specifics of the Vyatka dialects in the districts of the Kirov region. The key block of information is the dialect words themselves - you can get acquainted with them in different ways: by finding out the meaning with the help of a search engine, choosing from the thematic categories of interest, or based on the geography of use - one or several regions. There are several options for working with the service - they can be combined, turning the study of dialects into an exciting experience.

Of particular value to the modern user is the fact that any commonly used word can be entered into the search engine - as a result, a list of dialect variants will appear with a possible view of the geography of their use. For example, entering the word “talkative” into the search string gives options such as “baharnik”, “bahorliviy”, “vazhiy”, “narechistiy”, “razgovoristiy”. Corresponding marks also appear on the map - we see residents of which settlements use these dialect words. At the same time, all viewed options can be saved in a personal dictionary, which can be accessed as needed.

Now the Online Electronic Dictionary of Vyatka dialects includes almost three thousand words - in the future their number will be increased, the database will expand. This was announced by web developer Roman Markov, Associate Professor of the Department of Fundamental Mathematics of Vyatka State University.



Translated by Artemy Sizov


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