Оur university

Valentin Pugach becomes Chairman of the Rectors Council of Kirov region

  • 16 September 2017, 09:17
  • Author: admin
  • Views 5969

On September 15 Vyatka State University held a meeting of Kirov region Council of Universities’ Rectors. It was attended by Igor Vasiliev, region’s head, and Dmitry Kurdyumov, acting Deputy Chairman of Kirov region Government.

The Council of Universities’ Rectors of Kirov Region was established for maintaining interaction between educational institutions on issues of development of higher and postgraduate professional education.

For many years the Council of Rectors was headed by Vasily Kondratov, Rector of Polytechnic Institute. Igor Sheshunov, Rector of the Kirov State Medical University (passed away in July 2017) had become the Chairman of the Council since 2008.

The main issue of the agenda was a new chairman election. All members voted for VyatSU rector Valentin Pugach unanimously.

In addition, a number of other issues were discussed at the meeting of the Council, including a project on the governor's staff reserve noted by Igor Vasiliev. The project started in September 2016 when a regional agreement on cooperation was signed between the regional Government and Vyatka State University.

According to Igor Vasiliev it was done to attract young ambitious people to achieve results in civil service.

- The Order to start selection for the governor's personnel reserve was one of the first that I gave as an acting Governor, - Igor Vasiliev said. - I think that the project has brought first results, so this practice must be continued.

In addition at the meeting of the Council the head of the region pointed out a successful launch of a newly created Employment Assistance Center opened in August 2017 in Kirov.

Summing up the meeting the Council members and head of Kirov region noted an importance of holding similar meetings in similar composition at least once a quarter to discuss main topical issues.

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