Оur university

VyatSU’s high results at Izhevsk conference and competition for materials processing

  • 12 October 2018, 08:46
  • Author: admin
  • Views 5702

Post-graduate student Anna Slyudova was awarded a diploma of the 1stdegree there
On October 1 - 3 Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University held the XXI All-Russian Seminar and Competition for bachelors, masters and post-graduates of the study program "Technology of artistic processing of materials". It was attended by 22 Russian universities that train specialists in this direction: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Rostov-on-Don, Arkhangelsk, and Krasnoyarsk.


The expert Council of candidates and doctors of science, art and technology specialists summed up the results. Thus, undergraduate and graduate students of VyatSU Faculty of technology, engineering and design were among the best there.

Diplomas of the 3rd degree were handed in to:
- Maria Medvedeva (3rd year student) for her work “Dolls sketch for “Saltykiada” performance” in the “Drawing” nomination;
- Daria Fomina (1st year student) for the work “Still Life “Festive Day” in the “Painting” nomination;
- Natalya Lysova, Alina Starikova, Anastasia Khalyavina (2nd year students) for the work “Trio “Wooden Laces” in the “Craftsmanship. Wood" nomination;
- Snezhana Pervakova (4th year student) for her work “Wall lamp” in the nomination “Craftsmanship. Mixed technique”.

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