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Scientists from Vyatka State University have proposed a test to control the physical activity of athletes

  • 5 October 2022, 23:05
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2611

 Scientists have studied the effect of the training process on the functional state of football players

Based on the findings of the study, recommendations were formulated for coaches that help track the optimal level of load and prevent the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system in athletes. The results of the work were published in the Russian Journal of Cardiology.

Under the influence of the training process, the athlete's body receives stressful physical activity, researchers of the Vyatka State University (Vyatka State University) said. Depending on its volume, intensity and nature of rest, adaptation to this stress occurs.

However, with an excessive load and with an insufficient degree of recovery, the adaptation of the body's regulatory systems is disrupted with the possible development of pathologies, as a rule, of the cardiovascular system.

The most informative method for studying the regulatory systems of an athlete's body at present is the analysis of heart rate variability indicators. It allows both quantitatively and qualitatively characterizing the activity of regulatory systems, the state of the autonomic balance, as well as the ability to adapt the body at the moment, the scientists reported.

A unique feature of the study by Vyatka State University scientists, according to them, is the remote determination of heart rate variability indicators, which improves the purity of the electrocardiogram recording and obtains the most accurate data.

"Recently, a lot of gadgets and applications based on the heart rate variability method have appeared, but an electrocardiogram is necessary for the correct analysis of indicators. And when using a mobile cardiograph, we can record it in conditions that are comfortable for the athlete and be with him in different cities" - said Oleg Kalabin, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of Vyatka State University.

In the course of the study of Vyatka State University, the types of autonomic regulation of the examined players and their correspondence to the game roles (forward, defender, midfielder) were determined.

With excessive intensity of the training process, ventricular extrasystoles were detected (a type of heart rhythm disturbance, manifested by premature heart contractions, the activation of which occurs from the ventricular myocardium). Scientists gave the coaching staff recommendations to reduce the load.

During the following examinations, extrasystoles were not detected. This indicates that when playing sports, daily dynamic control of the functional state of the body is necessary.

The researchers noted that work is currently underway to identify the most typical abnormalities in the state of the cardiovascular system in professional athletes. And also recommendations are being developed to reduce the adverse effects of flights, training and competitive processes.


Text and image source: RIA Novosti
