Оur university

Botanical Garden of VyatSU was visited by schoolchildren from the LPR

  • 25 June 2023, 15:15
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1713

Botanical Garden of VyatSU was visited by schoolchildren from the LPR

The children had an educational tour.

Our region participates in the All-Russian charitable project "Welcome". As part of it, kids from the Perevalsky district of the Luhansk People's Republic are now resting in Vyatka. They live in a children's health camp "Gagarin" in the Slobodsky district.

A rich program is organized for schoolchildren. So, they visited Kirov and visited the local botanical garden. One of the students of Vyatka State University conducted an excursion for the guests.

The children saw the most unusual plants that can be found in different parts of the world, and also got acquainted with the inhabitants of the garden.

The schoolchildren also visited the research center "Botanical Garden". This is a structural subdivision of the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology of Vyatka State University. The girls and boys were told about their studies at the university and the prospects for employment of graduates.


Translated by Artemy Sizov


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